instead of sb的相关图片

instead of sb

下面围绕“instead of sb”主题解决网友的困惑

instead sb和instead of sb哪个对

A instead of B 则表示A代替B 看不懂了继续追问吧 我的乖乖

instead of 与 in stead of 的区别

in stead of是错误的。instead of 读音:英 [ɪnˈsted əv] 美 [ɪnˈsted əv]释义:...

instead of sb./sth./doing sth.

翻译:而不是。。。It is him going to the meeting instead of her.是他而不是她去开会 It is the car instead of a bike that can take you to Beijing. 你可以...

instead of的用法是什么?

这不但没趣,反倒枯燥。2、in place of介词短语“代替”,通常后接名(代)词,可与instead of互换。如:People often use plastics in place of/instead of wood or me...

instead of和in place of的区别是什么

This is dull instead of interesting.这不但没趣,反倒枯燥。2、in place of介词短语“代替”,通常后接名(代)词,可与instead of互换。如:People often use plasti...

instead of和in stead of的意义和用法有什么不同?

stead单独使用时,一般有两个词组,in Sb' stead,表示代替某人,stand sb in good stead,对某人将来有意, in ste...


您好,except是除...外的意思,可以做介词(prep.),连词(conj.),动词(v.)英文解释为not including;other than.例:They work every day except Sunday.instead...

instead o f与take sb's place

instead of为介词短语take one,s place 为动词短语在句中可作谓语

instead of sb sth是什么意思


instead of sb后接动词什么时态

nstead of 后接名词,代词,动词的ing形式

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